Health and Wellness


There are some days when we feel sad for no reason, sometimes it is just the start of the day that does not seem to be perfect and other days it is a feeling when we get irritated at the smallest of things. We don’t feel like going out or talking to someone and it is just random sadness that engulfs us. Whatever it is, we must understand that these negative thoughts are temporary and there are simple things that we can do to get rid of them.

If you are also looking for some of those ways here are some simple tricks which can rejuvenate you in less than ten minutes…Have a look…:)


We all have those moments when we can’t stop our mind from overthinking. At these times it becomes imperative that we shift our thoughts, which I understand is easier said then done… but you have to do it and the easiest way to do it is to listen to some soothing and happy music. Music is the best stress buster and can instantly have some positive changes on your mindset. So next time you feel sad or not motivated, remember to tune into some happy songs and feel the instant change.


No matter how much sad you are, if you feel that you are wanted and loved by someone, you will end up feeling rejuvenated and relaxed instantly. So, go and talk to your partner or parents or your siblings or that cherished friend of yours and don’t wait for them to give you that Happy Hug….just hug them and embrace the happiness you feel. Most of the time we underestimate the power of love and compassion and take our relationships for granted. So, make sure you cherish your relationships more then anything else in your life and giving a simple hug can do wonders, it will not only make them feel happy but you will also be able to get that much needed happiness.


When we are sad it becomes extremely difficult to get a good laugh but remember laughter increases the level of dopamine in our mind and thus helps rejuvenating our mood. Moreover, it has also been proved to raise the level of oxygen in our body and reduce stress. So, whenever nothing feels right watch some stress buster videos and feel positive and relaxed. You can also call that funny friend of yours who can help you in getting some hearty laughter.


There is proven effect of colors on our mood. You might have noticed that when you are sad and wear black, you feel all the more depressed and when you are angry, wearing red makes you all the more hyper. So, next time you feel sad, angry or not in a mood to do anything just grab some white, green, yellow or pink colored clothes and feel the positive change in your mood instantly.


There are evidences to prove that bright and natural light can make you feel more productive. When you are having those mood swings, go for a simple walk or just sit in your garden and take Vitamin D, you will feel happy and relaxed. Moreover, many studies have revealed that people who have more exposure to sun light have less problems of depression and anxiety because sunlight is known to enhance the release of a hormone called serotonin in our brain which is linked to boosting mood and re-energize our troubled mind.


Dark chocolate contains an anti depressant called serotonin, that can elevate your mood and enhance feelings of calmness and contentedness. What better reason do you need to grab your favourite chocolate. Satiate your taste buds and also elevate your mood, what better could you ask for.


Now that’s my way to handle unknown stress. Whenever you feel sad, just look around and you will realize that your home or your room or your office needs your attention badly. When things around us are cluttered we don’t feel positive vibes and end up being irritated. So, next time you feel sad just start cleaning your space and place everything in order, I can assure you that it will have a very positive effect on your mood. Clean up the mess and clean up your mind.


An instant mood uplifter…and the reason for my writing this article. I have been feeling sad since morning and I knew the best way to ward off these negative emotions is to head to some creative pursuits. So, I ended up sharing with you some things that I practice myself. When you are a creative person and somehow aren’t able to follow your pursuits, you feel suffocated and sad. The only way to get over this feeling is to do something that you want to do. Leave aside everything else and just follow your passion, be it writing, painting, dancing, singing or the likes…just follow what your heart tells you. Even a little time spent doing what you really wish to do will give you all the happiness in the world.


There are times when all that we need is a person who will listen to all that we have to say without judging us. Most of the times that someone is a good friend who knows us inside out. Make sure to give up all feelings of self doubt and just give a call to that friend of yours and vent out all that you have to. Having someone who can help us in understanding our own self is a blessing. So, don’t feel depressed for too long, just call the person who is your confident.


There are those days when you have lot of pending work at home, when your child or your partner needs your time but you have certain work to be completed asap. Churned between work and family life you feel irritated and unable to concentrate. During such days make sure to fill your house and office with fragrant candle or diffuser to have that calming effect. You can also make use of room freshner or a simple perfume for stress reduction, sleep enhancement and improving your work productivity.

So, there is no reason why you can’t rejuvenate yourself. All that you need is a conscious desire and little efforts.

Hope this makes you smile… 🙂

Pics source: Pinterest

  1. Kamlesh bhatia ( kamie )

    WondErSome. Yu indeed are a positive Spiritual personality it seems. Words writings reverberate energies

  2. Susshil Daga

    There are number of articles on the subject, but the author’s choice of words is splash of water in hit &humid weather.

    The power of Hug, in such lockdown situation is so close yet so much out of sight.

    You have voiced, thoughts of millions.

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